Payment options.

MyParcel payment options.

With MyParcel, you only pay for the post and parcels you actually send. How you pay is entirely up to you. Below you will find our payment options.

Useful financial benefits.

Faster access to your financial information.

No more time spent paying invoices.

Prevent reminders and demands for payment.

Organise everything in just two minutes.

Direct debit

With MyParcel, you always receive the invoice on the 1st of the month. The invoice amount will be automatically debited from your account 7 days after receipt of the invoice, excluding Sundays and public holidays. In order to finalise the direct debit settings, all you need to do is pay the full invoice manually. The invoice contains all of the post and parcels you sent during the previous month. A shipment only appears on the invoice after PostNL’s initial scan. This may mean that a shipment you send on the 1st of the month will only be invoiced after 37 days.

Setting up a direct debit

Pay later

With MyParcel, paying later means that you pay invoices to us manually afterwards. This gives you control over when you pay your invoice. With MyParcel, you always receive the invoice on the 1st of the month for the post and parcels from the previous month that you have sent. NB: shipments only appear on the invoice after their initial scan. You will receive invoices by email and can easily pay them from there.

Setting up pay later scheme

When you create an account with MyParcel, you pay your invoices later by default. If you want to cancel the direct debit or advance payment and would prefer to pay your invoices manually later, you can change this in your settings.

  1. In your MyParcel account, go to ‘Settings’ and then ‘Contact details’.
  2. Under ‘Bank details’, select ‘On account’.
  3. Enter your IBAM, Chamber of Commerce number and VAT number and click ‘Save’.
  4. You will now go back to paying your invoices manually later.

Advance payment

If advance payment is your selected payment option, you pay for every shipment you create through MyParcel straight away. This means that you pay for the shipment before you send it. The advantage of this payment option is that you immediately have all your payments in order. You never have any outstanding invoices that need to be paid later.

You can choose to pay in advance when registering. If you change your mind after registration and would prefer to pay for your shipments in advance, you can contact our Customer Service department through our contact form.

Setting up advance payments

Frequently asked questions

Are digital stamps invoiced straight after they have been created?