Sending parcels to Belgium

Sending parcels to Belgium.

If you want to send a parcel to Belgium, MyParcel is the place to be! In your account, you can also create shipping labels for these shipments in just a few simple steps. You don’t need to fill out customs forms, and you and your customer can track shipments to Belgium from door to door using the Track & Trace code.
Afbeelding voor

Parcel shipments to Belgium.


Weight 0 – 23 kg
23 – 30 kg (+ € 3.01)
Minimum size 10 x 10 x 1 cm
Maximum size 100 x 70 x 58 cm
175 x 78 x 58 cm (+ € 3.01)
Insurance Signature for receipt and Insurance up to a purchase value of €500 included by default.
European returns service Available for return shipments from Belgium
Transmission time 1 – 2 working days.

* For parcels sent within Europe that are heavier than the maximum weight (30kg), there is a pallet surcharge of €100.
** Peak surcharge: the last six weeks of the year a peak surcharge of € 0.25 will be applied on top of shippings costs for each parcel.

Belgium parcel shipment costs.



1 – 99 € 9,25
100 – 249 € 8,75
250 – 499 € 7,75
500 – 999 € 7,25
1,000 + More information

* Specified rates are exc. VAT and based on the total EU volume.

Important shipping information.

  • Please note that you are not permitted to send these goods and materials to foreign destinations.
  • Always specify a telephone number and email address of the addressee on the shipping label.
  • Make sure that the addressee’s name exactly matches the nameplate at the addressee’s house or premises.
  • If you have a door code available from the recipient, specify it on the shipping label as well.
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    Pick-up points in Belgium.

    Online orders are also on the rise in Belgium. In order to continue providing a high level of service in Belgium as well, with MyParcel your customers can now opt to have their orders delivered to a Belgian pick-up point. That way, the customer decides where and when they want to collect their parcels. With PostNL’s location finder, you can easily check which Belgian pick-up points can be selected.

    You can offer Belgian PostNL pick-up points as a delivery option with the help of:

    Frequently Asked Questions